About ANJR

Who are we?

ANJR is a non-profit, non-partisan network whose mission is to serve as the voice of recycling in New Jersey through education, advocacy, and the promotion of professional standards.

ANJR firmly believes that New Jersey needs an integrated solid waste management plan, and will facilitate that plan with education and advocacy around the issues of:

  • Recycling
  • Source Reduction
  • Household Hazardous Waste Management
  • Composting

Education and Promotion of Professional Standards

  • ANJR sponsors and offers a wide variety of educational programs and resources to its members.
  • Quarterly Membership Meetings
  • Presents concentrated information on markets, current legislation, new initiatives & opportunities, and much more.
  • Periodic Roundtables / Site Visits
  • Focusing on such diverse issues as artificial reefs, yard waste composting, source reduction, per-container rates, and food waste recycling.


ANJR serves as an advocate of sound recycling policy in New Jersey. Some current and recent examples and issues include:

  • Developing markets
  • Promoting procurement of recycled products
  • Identifying uses of non-traditional recycled products
  • Packaging
  • State regulations
  • Battery Recycling
  • Biosolids Management

ANJR strongly believes it must take a proactive approach in working with legislators and regulators to assure solid waste and recycling laws:

  • are reasonable
  • recognize market realities
  • are not counterproductive
  • don’t create impediments to recycling in our state.

Thanks to our Inner Circle Members!

Association of NJ Recyclers
414 Riverview Plaza
Trenton, NJ 08611 
Email us at anjr@anjr.com